Source code for candle.P1_utils

import sys

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import pandas as pd
import patsy
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_regression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from candle import select_features_by_variation

# Auxiliary functions of COXEN start here ####################
def calculate_concordance_correlation_coefficient(u, v):
    """This function calculates the concordance correlation coefficient between
    two input 1-D numpy arrays.

    u: 1-D numpy array of a variable
    v: 1-D numpy array of a variable

    ccc: a numeric value of concordance correlation coefficient between the two input variables.
    a = 2 * np.mean((u - np.mean(u)) * (v - np.mean(v)))
    b = (
        np.mean(np.square(u - np.mean(u)))
        + np.mean(np.square(v - np.mean(v)))
        + np.square(np.mean(u) - np.mean(v))
    ccc = a / b
    return ccc

def generalization_feature_selection(data1, data2, measure, cutoff):
    """This function uses the Pearson correlation coefficient to select the
    features that are generalizable between data1 and data2.

    data1: 2D numpy array of the first dataset with a size of (n_samples_1, n_features)
    data2: 2D numpy array of the second dataset with a size of (n_samples_2, n_features)
    measure: string. 'pearson' indicates the Pearson correlation coefficient;
        'ccc' indicates the concordance correlation coefficient. Default is 'pearson'.
    cutoff: a positive number for selecting generalizable features. If cutoff < 1, this function selects
        the features with a correlation coefficient >= cutoff. If cutoff >= 1, it must be an
        integer indicating the number of features to be selected based on correlation coefficient.

    fid: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features.
    cor1 = np.corrcoef(np.transpose(data1))
    cor2 = np.corrcoef(np.transpose(data2))
    num = data1.shape[1]
    cor = []
    if measure == "pearson":
        for i in range(num):
                            list(cor1[:i, i]) + list(cor1[(i + 1) :, i]),
                            list(cor2[:i, i]) + list(cor2[(i + 1) :, i]),
                )[0, 1]
    elif measure == "ccc":
        for i in range(num):
                    np.array(list(cor1[:i, i]) + list(cor1[(i + 1) :, i])),
                    np.array(list(cor2[:i, i]) + list(cor2[(i + 1) :, i])),
    cor = np.array(cor)
    fid = np.argsort(-cor)[: int(cutoff)]
    return fid

# Auxiliary functions of COXEN end here ####################
[docs]def coxen_single_drug_gene_selection( source_data, target_data, drug_response_data, drug_response_col, tumor_col, prediction_power_measure="pearson", num_predictive_gene=100, generalization_power_measure="ccc", num_generalizable_gene=50, multi_drug_mode=False, ): """ This function selects genes for drug response prediction using the COXEN approach. The COXEN approach is designed for selecting genes to predict the response of tumor cells to a specific drug. This function assumes no missing data exist. :param source_data: pandas data frame of gene expressions of tumors, for which drug response is known.\ Its size is [n_source_samples, n_features]. :param target_data: pandas data frame of gene expressions of tumors, for which drug response needs to be predicted. \ Its size is [n_target_samples, n_features]. source_data and target_data have the same set \ of features and the orders of features must match. :param drug_response_data: pandas data frame of drug response values for a drug. \ It must include a column of drug response values and a column of tumor IDs. :param drug_response_col: non-negative integer or string. If integer, it is the column index of drug response in \ drug_response_data. If string, it is the column name of drug response. :param tumor_col: non-negative integer or string. If integer, it is the column index of tumor IDs in drug_response_data. \ If string, it is the column name of tumor IDs. :param string prediction_power_measure: 'pearson' uses the absolute value of Pearson correlation coefficient to \ measure prediction power of gene; 'mutual_info' uses the mutual information to measure prediction power \ of gene. Default is 'pearson'. :param int num_predictive_gene: the number of predictive genes to be selected. :param string generalization_power_measure: 'pearson' indicates the Pearson correlation coefficient; \ 'ccc' indicates the concordance correlation coefficient. Default is 'ccc'. :param int num_generalizable_gene: the number of generalizable genes to be selected. \ :param bool multi_drug_mode: indicating whether the function runs as an auxiliary function of COXEN \ gene selection for multiple drugs. Default is False. :return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected genes, if multi_drug_mode is False; \ 1-D numpy array of indices of sorting all genes according to their prediction power, if multi_drug_mode is True. """ if isinstance(drug_response_col, str): drug_response_col = np.where(drug_response_data.columns == drug_response_col)[ 0 ][0] if isinstance(tumor_col, str): tumor_col = np.where(drug_response_data.columns == tumor_col)[0][0] drug_response_data = drug_response_data.copy() drug_response_data = drug_response_data.iloc[ np.where(np.isin(drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col], source_data.index))[0], :, ] source_data = source_data.copy() source_data = source_data.iloc[ np.where(np.isin(source_data.index, drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col]))[0], :, ] source_std_id = select_features_by_variation( source_data, variation_measure="std", threshold=0.00000001 ) target_std_id = select_features_by_variation( target_data, variation_measure="std", threshold=0.00000001 ) std_id = np.sort(np.intersect1d(source_std_id, target_std_id)) source_data = source_data.iloc[:, std_id] target_data = target_data.copy() target_data = target_data.iloc[:, std_id] # Perform the first step of COXEN approach to select predictive genes. To avoid exceeding the memory limit, # the prediction power of genes is calculated in batches. batchSize = 1000 numBatch = int(np.ceil(source_data.shape[1] / batchSize)) prediction_power = np.empty((source_data.shape[1], 1)) prediction_power.fill(np.nan) for i in range(numBatch): startIndex = i * batchSize endIndex = min((i + 1) * batchSize, source_data.shape[1]) if prediction_power_measure == "pearson": cor_i = np.corrcoef( np.vstack( ( np.transpose( source_data.iloc[:, startIndex:endIndex] .loc[drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col], :] .values ), np.reshape( drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_response_col].values, (1, drug_response_data.shape[0]), ), ) ) ) prediction_power[startIndex:endIndex, 0] = abs(cor_i[:-1, -1]) if prediction_power_measure == "mutual_info": mi = mutual_info_regression( X=source_data.iloc[:, startIndex:endIndex] .loc[drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col], :] .values, y=drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_response_col].values, ) prediction_power[startIndex:endIndex, 0] = mi if multi_drug_mode: indices = np.argsort(-prediction_power[:, 0]) return std_id[indices] num_predictive_gene = int(min(num_predictive_gene, source_data.shape[1])) gid1 = np.argsort(-prediction_power[:, 0])[:num_predictive_gene] # keep only predictive genes for source and target data source_data = source_data.iloc[:, gid1] target_data = target_data.iloc[:, gid1] num_generalizable_gene = int(min(num_generalizable_gene, len(gid1))) # perform the second step of COXEN approach to select generalizable genes among the predictive genes gid2 = generalization_feature_selection( source_data.values, target_data.values, generalization_power_measure, num_generalizable_gene, ) indices = std_id[gid1[gid2]] return np.sort(indices)
[docs]def coxen_multi_drug_gene_selection( source_data, target_data, drug_response_data, drug_response_col, tumor_col, drug_col, prediction_power_measure="lm", num_predictive_gene=100, generalization_power_measure="ccc", num_generalizable_gene=50, union_of_single_drug_selection=False, ): """ This function uses the COXEN approach to select genes for predicting the response of multiple drugs. It assumes no missing data exist. It works in three modes. (1) If union_of_single_drug_selection is True, prediction_power_measure must be either 'pearson' or 'mutual_info'. This functions runs coxen_single_drug_gene_selection for every drug with the parameter setting and takes the union of the selected genes of every drug as the output. The size of the selected gene set may be larger than num_generalizable_gene. (2) If union_of_single_drug_selection is False and prediction_power_measure is 'lm', this function uses a linear model to fit the response of multiple drugs using the expression of a gene, while the drugs are one-hot encoded. The p-value associated with the coefficient of gene expression is used as the prediction power measure, according to which num_predictive_gene genes will be selected. Then, among the predictive genes, num_generalizable_gene generalizable genes will be selected. (3) If union_of_single_drug_selection is False and prediction_power_measure is 'pearson' or 'mutual_info', for each drug this functions ranks the genes according to their power of predicting the response of the drug. The union of an equal number of predictive genes for every drug will be generated, and its size must be at least num_predictive_gene. Then, num_generalizable_gene generalizable genes will be selected. :param source_data: pandas data frame of gene expressions of tumors, for which drug response is known. \ Its size is [n_source_samples, n_features]. :param target_data: pandas data frame of gene expressions of tumors, for which drug response needs to be predicted. \ Its size is [n_target_samples, n_features]. source_data and target_data have the same set \ of features and the orders of features must match. :param drug_response_data: pandas data frame of drug response that must include a column of \ drug response values, a column of tumor IDs, and a column of drug IDs. :param drug_response_col: non-negative integer or string. If integer, it is the column index of \ drug response in drug_response_data. If string, it is the column name of drug response. :param tumor_col: non-negative integer or string. If integer, it is the column index of tumor IDs \ in drug_response_data. If string, it is the column name of tumor IDs. :param drug_col: non-negative integer or string. \ If integer, it is the column index of drugs in drug_response_data. \ If string, it is the column name of drugs. :param string prediction_power_measure: 'pearson' uses the absolute value of Pearson correlation coefficient to \ measure prediction power of a gene; 'mutual_info' uses the mutual information to measure prediction power \ of a gene; 'lm' uses the linear regression model to select predictive genes for multiple drugs. Default is 'lm'. :param int num_predictive_gene: the number of predictive genes to be selected. :param string generalization_power_measure: 'pearson' indicates the Pearson correlation coefficient; \ 'ccc' indicates the concordance correlation coefficient. Default is 'ccc'. :param int num_generalizable_gene: the number of generalizable genes to be selected. :param bool union_of_single_drug_selection: whether the final gene set should be the union of genes \ selected for every drug. :return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected genes. """ if isinstance(drug_response_col, str): drug_response_col = np.where(drug_response_data.columns == drug_response_col)[ 0 ][0] if isinstance(tumor_col, str): tumor_col = np.where(drug_response_data.columns == tumor_col)[0][0] if isinstance(drug_col, str): drug_col = np.where(drug_response_data.columns == drug_col)[0][0] drug_response_data = drug_response_data.copy() drug_response_data = drug_response_data.iloc[ np.where(np.isin(drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col], source_data.index))[0], :, ] drugs = np.unique(drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_col]) source_data = source_data.copy() source_data = source_data.iloc[ np.where(np.isin(source_data.index, drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col]))[0], :, ] source_std_id = select_features_by_variation( source_data, variation_measure="std", threshold=0.00000001 ) target_std_id = select_features_by_variation( target_data, variation_measure="std", threshold=0.00000001 ) std_id = np.sort(np.intersect1d(source_std_id, target_std_id)) source_data = source_data.iloc[:, std_id] target_data = target_data.copy() target_data = target_data.iloc[:, std_id] num_predictive_gene = int(min(num_predictive_gene, source_data.shape[1])) if union_of_single_drug_selection: if ( prediction_power_measure != "pearson" and prediction_power_measure != "mutual_info" ): print( "pearson or mutual_info must be used as prediction_power_measure for taking the union of selected genes of every drugs" ) sys.exit(1) gid1 = np.array([]).astype(np.int64) for d in drugs: idd = np.where(drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_col] == d)[0] response_d = drug_response_data.iloc[idd, :] gid2 = coxen_single_drug_gene_selection( source_data, target_data, response_d, drug_response_col, tumor_col, prediction_power_measure, num_predictive_gene, generalization_power_measure, num_generalizable_gene, ) gid1 = np.union1d(gid1, gid2) return np.sort(std_id[gid1]) if prediction_power_measure == "lm": pvalue = np.empty((source_data.shape[1], 1)) pvalue.fill(np.nan) drug_m = np.identity(len(drugs)) drug_m = pd.DataFrame(drug_m, index=drugs) drug_sample = drug_m.loc[drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_col], :].values for i in range(source_data.shape[1]): ge_sample = ( source_data.iloc[:, i].loc[drug_response_data.iloc[:, tumor_col]].values ) sample = np.hstack( (np.reshape(ge_sample, (len(ge_sample), 1)), drug_sample) ) sample = sm.add_constant(sample) mod = sm.OLS(drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_response_col].values, sample) try: res = pvalue[i, 0] = res.pvalues[1] except ValueError: pvalue[i, 0] = 1 gid1 = np.argsort(pvalue[:, 0])[:num_predictive_gene] elif ( prediction_power_measure == "pearson" or prediction_power_measure == "mutual_info" ): gene_rank = np.empty((len(drugs), source_data.shape[1])) gene_rank.fill(np.nan) gene_rank = pd.DataFrame(gene_rank, index=drugs) for d in range(len(drugs)): idd = np.where(drug_response_data.iloc[:, drug_col] == drugs[d])[0] response_d = drug_response_data.iloc[idd, :] temp_rank = coxen_single_drug_gene_selection( source_data, target_data, response_d, drug_response_col, tumor_col, prediction_power_measure, num_predictive_gene=None, generalization_power_measure=None, num_generalizable_gene=None, multi_drug_mode=True, ) gene_rank.iloc[d, : len(temp_rank)] = temp_rank for i in range( int(np.ceil(num_predictive_gene / len(drugs))), source_data.shape[1] + 1 ): gid1 = np.unique( np.reshape(gene_rank.iloc[:, :i].values, (1, gene_rank.shape[0] * i))[ 0, : ] ) gid1 = gid1[np.where(np.invert(np.isnan(gid1)))[0]] if len(gid1) >= num_predictive_gene: break gid1 = gid1.astype(np.int64) # keep only predictive genes for source and target data source_data = source_data.iloc[:, gid1] target_data = target_data.iloc[:, gid1] num_generalizable_gene = int(min(num_generalizable_gene, len(gid1))) # perform the second step of COXEN approach to select generalizable genes among the predictive genes gid2 = generalization_feature_selection( source_data.values, target_data.values, generalization_power_measure, num_generalizable_gene, ) indices = std_id[gid1[gid2]] return np.sort(indices)
[docs]def generate_gene_set_data( data, genes, gene_name_type="entrez", gene_set_category="c6.all", metric="mean", standardize=False, data_dir="../../Data/examples/Gene_Sets/MSigDB.v7.0/", ): """ This function generates genomic data summarized at the gene set level. :param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features]. :param genes: 1-D array or list of gene names with a length of n_features. It indicates which gene a genomic \ feature belongs to. :param string gene_name_type: the type of gene name used in genes. 'entrez' indicates Entrez gene ID and \ 'symbols' indicates HGNC gene symbol. Default is 'symbols'. :param string gene_set_category: the gene sets for which data will be calculated. 'c2.cgp' indicates gene sets \ affected by chemical and genetic perturbations; 'c2.cp.biocarta' indicates BioCarta gene sets; 'c2.cp.kegg' \ indicates KEGG gene sets; '' indicates PID gene sets; 'c2.cp.reactome' indicates Reactome gene sets; \ 'c5.bp' indicates GO biological processes; '' indicates GO cellular components; '' indicates \ GO molecular functions; 'c6.all' indicates oncogenic signatures. Default is 'c6.all'. :param string metric: the way to calculate gene-set-level data. 'mean' calculates the mean of gene \ features belonging to the same gene set. 'sum' calculates the summation of gene features belonging \ to the same gene set. 'max' calculates the maximum of gene features. 'min' calculates the minimum \ of gene features. 'abs_mean' calculates the mean of absolute values. 'abs_maximum' calculates \ the maximum of absolute values. Default is 'mean'. :param bool standardize: whether to standardize features before calculation. Standardization transforms \ each feature to have a zero mean and a unit standard deviation. :return: a data frame of calculated gene-set-level data. Column names are the gene set names. """ sample_name = None if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): sample_name = data.index data = data.values elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame") sys.exit(1) if standardize: scaler = StandardScaler() data = scaler.fit_transform(data) genes = [str(i) for i in genes] if gene_name_type == "entrez": gene_set_category = gene_set_category + ".v7.0.entrez.gmt" if gene_name_type == "symbols": gene_set_category = gene_set_category + ".v7.0.symbols.gmt" f = open(data_dir + gene_set_category, "r") x = f.readlines() gene_sets = {} for i in range(len(x)): temp = x[i].split("\n")[0].split("\t") gene_sets[temp[0]] = temp[2:] gene_set_data = np.empty((data.shape[0], len(gene_sets))) gene_set_data.fill(np.nan) gene_set_names = np.array(list(gene_sets.keys())) for i in range(len(gene_set_names)): idi = np.where(np.isin(genes, gene_sets[gene_set_names[i]]))[0] if len(idi) > 0: if metric == "sum": gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nansum(data[:, idi], axis=1) elif metric == "max": gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nanmax(data[:, idi], axis=1) elif metric == "min": gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nanmin(data[:, idi], axis=1) elif metric == "abs_mean": gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nanmean(np.absolute(data[:, idi]), axis=1) elif metric == "abs_maximum": gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nanmax(np.absolute(data[:, idi]), axis=1) else: # 'mean' gene_set_data[:, i] = np.nanmean(data[:, idi], axis=1) if sample_name is None: gene_set_data = pd.DataFrame(gene_set_data, columns=gene_set_names) else: gene_set_data = pd.DataFrame( gene_set_data, columns=gene_set_names, index=sample_name ) keep_id = np.where(np.sum(np.invert(pd.isna(gene_set_data)), axis=0) > 0)[0] gene_set_data = gene_set_data.iloc[:, keep_id] return gene_set_data
# Auxiliary functions of ComBat start here #################### def design_mat(mod, numerical_covariates, batch_levels): # require levels to make sure they are in the same order as we use in the # rest of the script. design = patsy.dmatrix( "~ 0 + C(batch, levels=%s)" % str(batch_levels), mod, return_type="dataframe" ) mod = mod.drop(["batch"], axis=1) numerical_covariates = list(numerical_covariates) sys.stdout.write("found %i batches\n" % design.shape[1]) other_cols = [c for i, c in enumerate(mod.columns) if i not in numerical_covariates] factor_matrix = mod[other_cols] design = pd.concat((design, factor_matrix), axis=1) if numerical_covariates is not None: sys.stdout.write( "found %i numerical covariates...\n" % len(numerical_covariates) ) for i, nC in enumerate(numerical_covariates): cname = mod.columns[nC] sys.stdout.write("\t{0}\n".format(cname)) design[cname] = mod[mod.columns[nC]] sys.stdout.write("found %i categorical variables:" % len(other_cols)) sys.stdout.write("\t" + ", ".join(other_cols) + "\n") return design def it_sol(sdat, g_hat, d_hat, g_bar, t2, a, b, conv=0.0001): n = (1 - np.isnan(sdat)).sum(axis=1) g_old = g_hat.copy() d_old = d_hat.copy() change = 1 count = 0 while change > conv: # print g_hat.shape, g_bar.shape, t2.shape g_new = postmean(g_hat, g_bar, n, d_old, t2) sum2 = ( ( sdat - g_new.values.reshape((g_new.shape[0], 1)), np.ones((1, sdat.shape[1])), ) ) ** 2 ).sum(axis=1) d_new = postvar(sum2, n, a, b) change = max( (abs(g_new - g_old) / g_old).max(), (abs(d_new - d_old) / d_old).max() ) g_old = g_new # .copy() d_old = d_new # .copy() count = count + 1 adjust = (g_new, d_new) return adjust def aprior(gamma_hat): m = gamma_hat.mean() s2 = gamma_hat.var() return (2 * s2 + m**2) / s2 def bprior(gamma_hat): m = gamma_hat.mean() s2 = gamma_hat.var() return (m * s2 + m**3) / s2 def postmean(g_hat, g_bar, n, d_star, t2): return (t2 * n * g_hat + d_star * g_bar) / (t2 * n + d_star) def postvar(sum2, n, a, b): return (0.5 * sum2 + b) / (n / 2.0 + a - 1.0) # Auxiliary functions of ComBat end here ####################
[docs]def combat_batch_effect_removal( data, batch_labels, model=None, numerical_covariates=None ): """ This function corrects for batch effect in data. :param data: pandas data frame of numeric values, with a size of (n_features, n_samples) :param batch_labels: pandas series, with a length of n_samples. It should provide the batch labels of samples. \ Its indices are the same as the column names (sample names) in "data". :param model: an object of patsy.design_info.DesignMatrix. It is a design matrix describing the covariate \ information on the samples that could cause batch effects. If not provided, this function \ will attempt to coarsely correct just based on the information provided in "batch". :param numerical_covariates: a list of the names of covariates in "model" that are numerical rather than \ categorical. :return: pandas data frame of numeric values, with a size of (n_features, n_samples). \ It is the data with batch effects corrected. """ if isinstance(numerical_covariates, str): numerical_covariates = [numerical_covariates] if numerical_covariates is None: numerical_covariates = [] if model is not None and isinstance(model, pd.DataFrame): model["batch"] = list(batch_labels) else: model = pd.DataFrame({"batch": batch_labels}) batch_items = model.groupby("batch").groups.items() batch_levels = [k for k, v in batch_items] batch_info = [v for k, v in batch_items] n_batch = len(batch_info) n_batches = np.array([len(v) for v in batch_info]) n_array = float(sum(n_batches)) # drop intercept drop_cols = [ cname for cname, inter in ((model == 1).all()).iteritems() if inter == True ] # noqa E712 # drop_idxs = [list(model.columns).index(cdrop) for cdrop in drop_cols] model = model[[c for c in model.columns if c not in drop_cols]] numerical_covariates = [ list(model.columns).index(c) if isinstance(c, str) else c for c in numerical_covariates if c not in drop_cols ] design = design_mat(model, numerical_covariates, batch_levels) sys.stdout.write("Standardizing Data across genes.\n") B_hat =, design)), design.T), data.T) grand_mean = / n_array).T, B_hat[:n_batch, :]) var_pooled = ((data -, B_hat).T) ** 2), np.ones((int(n_array), 1)) / int(n_array), ) stand_mean = grand_mean.T.reshape((len(grand_mean), 1)), np.ones((1, int(n_array))) ) tmp = np.array(design.copy()) tmp[:, :n_batch] = 0 stand_mean +=, B_hat).T s_data = (data - stand_mean) / np.sqrt(var_pooled), np.ones((1, int(n_array))) ) sys.stdout.write("Fitting L/S model and finding priors\n") batch_design = design[design.columns[:n_batch]] gamma_hat =, batch_design)), batch_design.T), s_data.T ) delta_hat = [] for i, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): delta_hat.append(s_data[batch_idxs].var(axis=1)) gamma_bar = gamma_hat.mean(axis=1) t2 = gamma_hat.var(axis=1) a_prior = list(map(aprior, delta_hat)) b_prior = list(map(bprior, delta_hat)) sys.stdout.write("Finding parametric adjustments\n") gamma_star, delta_star = [], [] for i, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): temp = it_sol( s_data[batch_idxs], gamma_hat[i], delta_hat[i], gamma_bar[i], t2[i], a_prior[i], b_prior[i], ) gamma_star.append(temp[0]) delta_star.append(temp[1]) sys.stdout.write("Adjusting data\n") bayesdata = s_data gamma_star = np.array(gamma_star) delta_star = np.array(delta_star) for j, batch_idxs in enumerate(batch_info): dsq = np.sqrt(delta_star[j, :]) dsq = dsq.reshape((len(dsq), 1)) denom =, np.ones((1, n_batches[j]))) numer = np.array( bayesdata[batch_idxs] -[batch_idxs], gamma_star).T ) bayesdata[batch_idxs] = numer / denom vpsq = np.sqrt(var_pooled).reshape((len(var_pooled), 1)) bayesdata = bayesdata *, np.ones((1, int(n_array)))) + stand_mean return bayesdata