Source code for candle.data_utils

from __future__ import absolute_import

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# Adding conditional import for compatibility between
# sklearn versions
# The second commented line corresponds to a more recent version
# from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer
# from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
    from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer as Imputer
except ImportError:
    from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer

from sklearn.preprocessing import MaxAbsScaler, MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler

# from default_utils import DEFAULT_SEED
# from default_utils import DEFAULT_DATATYPE
DEFAULT_SEED = 7102  # until we populate default_utils
DEFAULT_DATATYPE = np.float32  # until we populate default utils

# TAKEN from tensorflow
def to_categorical(y, num_classes=None):
    """Converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix.
    E.g. for use with categorical_crossentropy.
    y: numpy array
        class vector to be converted into a matrix
        (integers from 0 to num_classes).
    num_classes: int
        total number of classes.
    categorical: numpy array
        A binary matrix representation of the input. The classes axis is placed
    y = np.array(y, dtype="int")
    input_shape = y.shape
    if input_shape and input_shape[-1] == 1 and len(input_shape) > 1:
        input_shape = tuple(input_shape[:-1])
    y = y.ravel()
    if not num_classes:
        num_classes = np.max(y) + 1
    n = y.shape[0]
    categorical = np.zeros((n, num_classes), dtype=np.float32)
    categorical[np.arange(n), y] = 1
    output_shape = input_shape + (num_classes,)
    categorical = np.reshape(categorical, output_shape)
    return categorical

def convert_to_class(y_one_hot, dtype=int):
    """Converts a one-hot class encoding (array with as many positions as total
    classes, with 1 in the corresponding class position, 0 in the other
    positions), or soft-max class encoding (array with as many positions as
    total classes, whose largest valued position is used as class membership)
    to an integer class encoding.

    y_one_hot : numpy array
        Input array with one-hot or soft-max class encoding.
    dtype : data type
        Data type to use for the output numpy array.
        (Default: int, integer data is used to represent the
        class membership).

    Returns a numpy array with an integer class encoding.

    # maxi = lambda a: a.argmax()
    # iter_to_na = lambda i: np.fromiter(i, dtype=dtype)
    # change lambda to def according to pep8 suggestion
    def maxi(a):
        return a.argmax()

    def iter_to_na(i):
        return np.fromiter(i, dtype=dtype)

    return np.array([maxi(a) for a in y_one_hot])

def scale_array(mat, scaling=None):
    """Scale data included in numpy array.

    mat : numpy array
        Array to scale
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'.
        'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'std'    : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
        (Default: None, no scaling).

    Returns the numpy array scaled by the method specified. \
    If no scaling method is specified, it returns the numpy \
    array unmodified.

    if scaling is None or scaling.lower() == "none":
        return mat

    # Scaling data
    if scaling == "maxabs":
        # Scaling to [-1, 1]
        scaler = MaxAbsScaler(copy=False)
    elif scaling == "minmax":
        # Scaling to [0,1]
        scaler = MinMaxScaler(copy=False)
        # Standard normalization
        scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False)

    return scaler.fit_transform(mat)

def impute_and_scale_array(mat, scaling=None):
    """Impute missing values with mean and scale data included in numpy array.

    mat : numpy array
        Array to scale
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'.
        'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'std'    : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
        (Default: None, no scaling).

    Returns the numpy array imputed with the mean value of the \
    column and scaled by the method specified. If no scaling method is specified, \
    it returns the imputed numpy array.

    # imputer = Imputer(strategy='mean', axis=0, copy=False)
    # imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean', copy=False)
    # Next line is from conditional import. axis=0 is default
    # in old version so it is not necessary.
    imputer = Imputer(strategy="mean", copy=False)

    return scale_array(mat, scaling)

def drop_impute_and_scale_dataframe(df, scaling="std", imputing="mean", dropna="all"):
    """Impute missing values with mean and scale data included in pandas

    df : pandas dataframe
        dataframe to process
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        'maxabs' [-1,1], 'minmax' [0,1], 'std', or None, optional
        (Default 'std')
    imputing : string
        String describing type of imputation to apply.
        'mean' replace missing values with mean value along the column,
        'median' replace missing values with median value along the column,
        'most_frequent' replace missing values with most frequent value along column
        (Default: 'mean').
    dropna : string
        String describing strategy for handling missing values.
        'all' if all values are NA, drop that column.
        'any' if any NA values are present, dropt that column.
        (Default: 'all').

    Returns the data frame after handling missing values and scaling.

    if dropna:
        df = df.dropna(axis=1, how=dropna)
        empty_cols = df.columns[df.notnull().sum() == 0]
        df[empty_cols] = 0

    if imputing is None or imputing.lower() == "none":
        mat = df.values
        # imputer = Imputer(strategy=imputing, axis=0)
        # imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy=imputing)
        # Next line is from conditional import. axis=0 is default
        # in old version so it is not necessary.
        imputer = Imputer(strategy=imputing)
        mat = imputer.fit_transform(df.values)

    if scaling is None or scaling.lower() == "none":
        return pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=df.columns)

    if scaling == "maxabs":
        scaler = MaxAbsScaler()
    elif scaling == "minmax":
        scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        scaler = StandardScaler()

    mat = scaler.fit_transform(mat)
    df = pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=df.columns)

    return df

def discretize_dataframe(df, col, bins=2, cutoffs=None):
    """Discretize values of given column in pandas dataframe.

    df : pandas dataframe
        dataframe to process.
    col : int
        Index of column to bin.
    bins : int
        Number of bins for distributing column values.
    cutoffs : list
        List of bin limits.
        If None, the limits are computed as percentiles.
        (Default: None).

    Returns the data frame with the values of the specified column binned, i.e. the values
    are replaced by the associated bin number.

    y = df[col]
    thresholds = cutoffs
    if thresholds is None:
        percentiles = [100 / bins * (i + 1) for i in range(bins - 1)]
        thresholds = [np.percentile(y, x) for x in percentiles]
    classes = np.digitize(y, thresholds)
    df[col] = classes

    return df

def discretize_array(y, bins=5):
    """Discretize values of given array.

    y : numpy array
        array to discretize.
    bins : int
        Number of bins for distributing column values.

    Returns an array with the bin number associated to the values in the
    original array.

    percentiles = [100 / bins * (i + 1) for i in range(bins - 1)]
    thresholds = [np.percentile(y, x) for x in percentiles]
    classes = np.digitize(y, thresholds)
    return classes

def lookup(df, query, ret, keys, match="match"):
    """Dataframe lookup.

    df : pandas dataframe
        dataframe for retrieving values.
    query : string
        String for searching.
    ret : int/string or list
        Names or indices of columns to be returned.
    keys : list
        List of strings or integers specifying the names or
        indices of columns to look into.
    match : string
        String describing strategy for matching keys to query.

    Returns a list of the values in the dataframe whose columns match
    the specified query and have been selected to be returned.

    mask = pd.Series(False, index=range(df.shape[0]))
    for key in keys:
        if match == "contains":
            mask |= df[key].str.contains(query.upper(), case=False)
            mask |= df[key].str.upper() == query.upper()

    return list(set(df[mask][ret].values.flatten().tolist()))

def load_X_data(
    """Load training and testing unlabeleled data from the files specified and
    construct corresponding training and testing pandas DataFrames. Columns to
    load can be selected or dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled. Data can be
    rescaled. Training and testing partitions (coming from the respective
    files) are preserved. This function assumes that the files contain a header
    with column names.

    train_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the training data.
    test_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the testing data.
    drop_cols : list
        List of column names to drop from the files being loaded.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    n_cols : integer
        Number of columns to load from the files.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    shuffle : boolean
        Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are
        re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are read is
        (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order).
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'.
        'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'std'    : scales data to normal variable with \
                   mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
        (Default: None, no scaling).
    dtype : data type
        Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames.
        (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils).
    seed : int
        Value to intialize or re-seed the generator.
        (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils).

    X_train : pandas DataFrame
        Data for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and pre-processed as specified.
    X_test : pandas DataFrame
        Data for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and pre-processed as specified.

    # compensates for the columns to drop if there is a feature subselection
    usecols = list(range(n_cols + len(drop_cols))) if n_cols else None

    df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)
    df_test = pd.read_csv(test_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)

    # Drop specified columns
    if drop_cols is not None:
        for col in drop_cols:
            df_train.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)
            df_test.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)

    if shuffle:
        df_train = df_train.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)
        df_test = df_test.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)

    X_train = df_train.values.astype(dtype)
    X_test = df_test.values.astype(dtype)

    mat = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0)
    # Scale data
    if scaling is not None:
        mat = scale_array(mat, scaling)

    X_train = mat[: X_train.shape[0], :]
    X_test = mat[X_train.shape[0] :, :]

    return X_train, X_test

def load_X_data2(
    """Load training and testing unlabeleled data from the files specified.
    Further split trainig data into training and validation partitions, and
    construct corresponding training, validation and testing pandas DataFrames.
    Columns to load can be selected or dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled.
    Data can be rescaled. Training and testing partitions (coming from the
    respective files) are preserved, but training is split into training and
    validation partitions. This function assumes that the files contain a
    header with column names.

    train_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the training data.
    test_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the testing data.
    drop_cols : list
        List of column names to drop from the files being loaded.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    n_cols : integer
        Number of columns to load from the files.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    shuffle : boolean
        Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are
        re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are read is
        (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order).
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'.
        'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'std'    : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
        (Default: None, no scaling).
    validation_split : float
        Fraction of training data to set aside for validation.
        (Default: 0.1, ten percent of the training data is
        used for the validation partition).
    dtype : data type
        Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames.
        (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils).
    seed : int
        Value to intialize or re-seed the generator.
        (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils).

    X_train : pandas DataFrame
        Data for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and
        pre-processed as specified.
    X_val : pandas DataFrame
        Data for validation loaded in a pandas DataFrame and
        pre-processed as specified.
    X_test : pandas DataFrame
        Data for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and
        pre-processed as specified.

    # compensates for the columns to drop if there is a feature subselection
    usecols = list(range(n_cols + len(drop_cols))) if n_cols else None

    df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)
    df_test = pd.read_csv(test_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)

    # Drop specified columns
    if drop_cols is not None:
        for col in drop_cols:
            df_train.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)
            df_test.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)

    if shuffle:
        df_train = df_train.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)
        df_test = df_test.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)

    X_train = df_train.values.astype(dtype)
    X_test = df_test.values.astype(dtype)

    mat = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0)
    # Scale data
    if scaling is not None:
        mat = scale_array(mat, scaling)

    # Separate training in training and validation splits after scaling
    sizeTrain = X_train.shape[0]
    X_test = mat[sizeTrain:, :]
    numVal = int(sizeTrain * validation_split)
    X_val = mat[:numVal, :]
    X_train = mat[numVal:sizeTrain, :]

    return X_train, X_val, X_test

def load_Xy_one_hot_data(
    """Load training and testing data from the files specified, with a column
    indicated to use as label. Construct corresponding training and testing
    pandas DataFrames, separated into data (i.e. features) and labels. Labels
    to output are one-hot encoded (categorical). Columns to load can be
    selected or dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled. Data can be rescaled.
    Training and testing partitions (coming from the respective files) are
    preserved. This function assumes that the files contain a header with
    column names.

    train_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the training data.
    test_file : filename
        Name of the file to load the testing data.
    class_col : integer
        Index of the column to use as the label.
        (Default: None, this would cause the function to fail, a label
        has to be indicated at calling).
    drop_cols : list
        List of column names to drop from the files being loaded.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    n_cols : integer
        Number of columns to load from the files.
        (Default: None, all the columns are used).
    shuffle : boolean
        Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are
        re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are read is
        (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order).
    scaling : string
        String describing type of scaling to apply.
        Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'.
        'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1].
        'std'    : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
        (Default: None, no scaling).
    dtype : data type
        Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames.
        (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils).
    seed : int
        Value to intialize or re-seed the generator.
        (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils).

    X_train : pandas DataFrame
        Data features for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and
        pre-processed as specified.
    y_train : pandas DataFrame
        Data labels for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame.
        One-hot encoding (categorical) is used.
    X_test : pandas DataFrame
        Data features for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and
        pre-processed as specified.
    y_test : pandas DataFrame
        Data labels for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame.
        One-hot encoding (categorical) is used.

    assert class_col is not None

    # compensates for the columns to drop if there is a feature subselection
    usecols = list(range(n_cols + len(drop_cols))) if n_cols else None

    df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)
    df_test = pd.read_csv(test_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols)

    if shuffle:
        df_train = df_train.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)
        df_test = df_test.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)

    # Get class
    y_train = pd.get_dummies(df_train[class_col]).values
    y_test = pd.get_dummies(df_test[class_col]).values

    # Drop specified columns
    if drop_cols is not None:
        for col in drop_cols:
            df_train.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)
            df_test.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # Convert from pandas dataframe to numpy array
    X_train = df_train.values.astype(dtype)
    print("X_train dtype: ", X_train.dtype)
    X_test = df_test.values.astype(dtype)
    print("X_test dtype: ", X_test.dtype)
    # Concatenate training and testing to scale data
    mat = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0)
    print("mat dtype: ", mat.dtype)
    # Scale data
    if scaling is not None:
        mat = scale_array(mat, scaling)
    # Recover training and testing splits after scaling
    X_train = mat[: X_train.shape[0], :]
    X_test = mat[X_train.shape[0] :, :]

    return (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test)

[docs]def load_Xy_one_hot_data2( train_file: str, test_file: str, class_col: int = None, drop_cols: List = None, n_cols: int = None, shuffle: bool = False, scaling: str = None, validation_split: float = 0.1, dtype=DEFAULT_DATATYPE, seed: int = DEFAULT_SEED, ): """ Load training and testing data from the files specified, with a column indicated to use as label. Further split trainig data into training and validation partitions, and construct corresponding training, validation and testing pandas DataFrames, separated into data (i.e. features) and labels. Labels to output are one-hot encoded (categorical). Columns to load can be selected or dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled. Data can be rescaled. Training and testing partitions (coming from the respective files) are preserved, but training is split into training and validation partitions. This function assumes that the files contain a header with column names. :param string train_file: Name of the file to load the training data. :param string test_file: Name of the file to load the testing data. :param int class_col: Index of the column to use as the label. \ (Default: None, this would cause the function to fail, a label \ has to be indicated at calling). :param List drop_cols: List of column names to drop from the files being loaded. \ (Default: None, all the columns are used). :param int n_cols: Number of columns to load from the files. \ (Default: None, all the columns are used). :param boolean shuffle: Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are \ re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are loaded is preserved. \ (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order). :param string scaling: String describing type of scaling to apply. \ Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'. - maxabs: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - minmax: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - std: scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. \ (Default: None, no scaling). :param float validation_split: Fraction of training data to set aside for validation. \ (Default: 0.1, ten percent of the training data is used for the validation partition). :param dtype: Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames. \ (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils). :param int seed: Value to intialize or re-seed the generator. \ (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils). :return: Tuple of pandas DataFrames where - X_train: Data features for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and \ pre-processed as specified. - y_train: Data labels for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame. \ One-hot encoding (categorical) is used. - X_val: Data features for validation loaded in a pandas DataFrame and \ pre-processed as specified. - y_val: Data labels for validation loaded in a pandas DataFrame. \ One-hot encoding (categorical) is used. - X_test: Data features for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and \ pre-processed as specified. - y_test: Data labels for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame. \ One-hot encoding (categorical) is used. """ assert class_col is not None # compensates for the columns to drop if there is a feature subselection usecols = list(range(n_cols + len(drop_cols))) if n_cols else None df_train = pd.read_csv(train_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols) df_test = pd.read_csv(test_file, engine="c", usecols=usecols) if shuffle: df_train = df_train.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) df_test = df_test.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) # Get class y_train = pd.get_dummies(df_train[class_col]).values y_test = pd.get_dummies(df_test[class_col]).values # Drop specified columns if drop_cols is not None: for col in drop_cols: df_train.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True) df_test.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True) # Convert from pandas dataframe to numpy array X_train = df_train.values.astype(dtype) X_test = df_test.values.astype(dtype) # Concatenate training and testing to scale data mat = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0) # Scale data if scaling is not None: mat = scale_array(mat, scaling) # Separate training in training and validation splits after scaling sizeTrain = X_train.shape[0] X_test = mat[sizeTrain:, :] numVal = int(sizeTrain * validation_split) X_val = mat[:numVal, :] X_train = mat[numVal:sizeTrain, :] # Analogously separate y in training in training and validation splits y_val = y_train[:numVal, :] y_train = y_train[numVal:sizeTrain, :] return (X_train, y_train), (X_val, y_val), (X_test, y_test)
def load_Xy_data2( train_file, test_file, class_col=None, drop_cols=None, n_cols=None, shuffle=False, scaling=None, validation_split=0.1, dtype=DEFAULT_DATATYPE, seed=DEFAULT_SEED, ): """Load training and testing data from the files specified, with a column indicated to use as label. Further split trainig data into training and validation partitions, and construct corresponding training, validation and testing pandas DataFrames, separated into data (i.e. features) and labels. Labels to output can be integer labels (for classification) or continuous labels (for regression). Columns to load can be selected or dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled. Data can be rescaled. Training and testing partitions (coming from the respective files) are preserved, but training is split into training and validation partitions. This function assumes that the files contain a header with column names. Parameters ---------- train_file : filename Name of the file to load the training data. test_file : filename Name of the file to load the testing data. class_col : integer Index of the column to use as the label. (Default: None, this would cause the function to fail, a label has to be indicated at calling). drop_cols : list List of column names to drop from the files being loaded. (Default: None, all the columns are used). n_cols : integer Number of columns to load from the files. (Default: None, all the columns are used). shuffle : boolean Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are loaded is preserved. (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order). scaling : string String describing type of scaling to apply. Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'. 'maxabs' : scales data to range [-1 to 1]. 'minmax' : scales data to range [-1 to 1]. 'std' : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. (Default: None, no scaling). validation_split : float Fraction of training data to set aside for validation. (Default: 0.1, ten percent of the training data is used for the validation partition). dtype : data type Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames. (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils). seed : int Value to intialize or re-seed the generator. (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils). Return ---------- X_train : pandas DataFrame Data features for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and pre-processed as specified. y_train : pandas DataFrame Data labels for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame. X_val : pandas DataFrame Data features for validation loaded in a pandas DataFrame and pre-processed as specified. y_val : pandas DataFrame Data labels for validation loaded in a pandas DataFrame. X_test : pandas DataFrame Data features for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and pre-processed as specified. y_test : pandas DataFrame Data labels for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame. """ assert class_col is not None ( (X_train, y_train_oh), (X_val, y_val_oh), (X_test, y_test_oh), ) = load_Xy_one_hot_data2( train_file, test_file, class_col, drop_cols, n_cols, shuffle, scaling, validation_split, dtype, seed, ) y_train = convert_to_class(y_train_oh) y_val = convert_to_class(y_val_oh) y_test = convert_to_class(y_test_oh) return (X_train, y_train), (X_val, y_val), (X_test, y_test)
[docs]def load_Xy_data_noheader( train_file: str, test_file: str, classes: int, usecols: List = None, scaling: str = None, dtype=DEFAULT_DATATYPE, ): """ Load training and testing data from the files specified, with the first column to use as label. Construct corresponding training and testing pandas DataFrames, separated into data (i.e. features) and labels. Labels to output are one-hot encoded (categorical). Columns to load can be selected. Data can be rescaled. Training and testing partitions (coming from the respective files) are preserved. This function assumes that the files do not contain a header. :param string train_file: Name of the file to load the training data. :param string test_file: Name of the file to load the testing data. :param int classes: Number of total classes to consider when building the categorical (one-hot) label encoding. :param usecols: List of column indices to load from the files. (Default: None, all the columns are used). :param string scaling: String describing type of scaling to apply. Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'. - maxabs: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - minmax: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - std : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. \ (Default: None, no scaling). :param dtype: Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames. (Default: DEFAULT_DATATYPE defined in default_utils). :return: Tuple of pandas DataFrames where - X_train - Data features for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame and \ pre-processed as specified. - Y_train - Data labels for training loaded in a pandas DataFrame. \ One-hot encoding (categorical) is used. - X_test - Data features for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame and \ pre-processed as specified. - Y_test - Data labels for testing loaded in a pandas DataFrame. \ One-hot encoding (categorical) is used. """ df_train = (pd.read_csv(train_file, header=None, usecols=usecols).values).astype( dtype ) df_test = (pd.read_csv(test_file, header=None, usecols=usecols).values).astype( dtype ) seqlen = df_train.shape[1] df_y_train = df_train[:, 0].astype("int") df_y_test = df_test[:, 0].astype("int") Y_train = to_categorical(df_y_train, classes) Y_test = to_categorical(df_y_test, classes) df_x_train = df_train[:, 1:seqlen].astype(dtype) df_x_test = df_test[:, 1:seqlen].astype(dtype) X_train = df_x_train X_test = df_x_test mat = np.concatenate((X_train, X_test), axis=0) # Scale data if scaling is not None: mat = scale_array(mat, scaling) X_train = mat[: X_train.shape[0], :] X_test = mat[X_train.shape[0] :, :] return X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test
[docs]def load_csv_data( train_path: str, test_path: str = None, sep: str = ",", nrows: int = None, x_cols: List = None, y_cols: List = None, drop_cols: List = None, onehot_cols: List = None, n_cols: int = None, random_cols: bool = False, shuffle: bool = False, scaling: str = None, dtype=None, validation_split: float = None, return_dataframe: bool = True, return_header: bool = False, seed: int = DEFAULT_SEED, ): """ Load data from the files specified. Columns corresponding to data features and labels can be specified. A one-hot encoding can be used for either features or labels. If validation_split is specified, trainig data is further split into training and validation partitions. pandas DataFrames are used to load and pre-process the data. If specified, those DataFrames are returned. Otherwise just values are returned. Labels to output can be integer labels (for classification) or continuous labels (for regression). Columns to load can be specified, randomly selected or a subset can be dropped. Order of rows can be shuffled. Data can be rescaled. This function assumes that the files contain a header with column names. :param train_path: Name of the file to load the training data. :param test_path: Name of the file to load the testing data. (Optional). :param sep: Character used as column separator. (Default: ',', comma separated values). :param int nrows: Number of rows to load from the files. (Default: None, all the rows are used). :param x_cols: List of columns to use as features. (Default: None). :param y_cols: List of columns to use as labels. (Default: None). :param drop_cols: List of columns to drop from the files being loaded. (Default: None, all the columns are used). :param onehot_cols: List of columns to one-hot encode. (Default: None). :param int n_cols: Number of columns to load from the files. (Default: None). :param boolean random_cols: Boolean flag to indicate random selection of columns. If True a number of n_cols columns is randomly selected, if False the specified columns are used. (Default: False). :param boolean shuffle: Boolean flag to indicate row shuffling. If True the rows are re-ordered, if False the order in which rows are read is preserved. (Default: False, no permutation of the loading row order). :param string scaling: String describing type of scaling to apply. Options recognized: 'maxabs', 'minmax', 'std'. - maxabs: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - minmax: scales data to range [-1 to 1]. - std : scales data to normal variable with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. (Default: None, no scaling). :param dtype: Data type to use for the output pandas DataFrames. (Default: None). :param float validation_split: Fraction of training data to set aside for validation. (Default: None, no validation partition is constructed). :param boolean return_dataframe: Boolean flag to indicate that the pandas DataFrames used for data pre-processing are to be returned. (Default: True, pandas DataFrames are returned). :param boolean return_header: Boolean flag to indicate if the column headers are to be returned. (Default: False, no column headers are separetely returned). :param int seed: Value to intialize or re-seed the generator. (Default: DEFAULT_SEED defined in default_utils). :return: Tuples of data features and labels are returned, for \ train, validation and testing partitions, together with the column \ names (headers). The specific objects to return depend \ on the options selected. """ if x_cols is None and drop_cols is None and n_cols is None: usecols = None y_names = None else: df_cols = pd.read_csv(train_path, engine="c", sep=sep, nrows=0) df_x_cols = df_cols.copy() # drop columns by name or index if y_cols is not None: df_x_cols = df_x_cols.drop(df_cols[y_cols], axis=1) if drop_cols is not None: df_x_cols = df_x_cols.drop(df_cols[drop_cols], axis=1) reserved = [] if onehot_cols is not None: reserved += onehot_cols if x_cols is not None: reserved += x_cols nx = df_x_cols.shape[1] if n_cols and n_cols < nx: if random_cols: indexes = sorted( np.random.choice(list(range(nx)), n_cols, replace=False) ) else: indexes = list(range(n_cols)) x_names = list(df_x_cols[indexes]) unreserved = [x for x in x_names if x not in reserved] n_keep = np.maximum(n_cols - len(reserved), 0) combined = reserved + unreserved[:n_keep] x_names = [x for x in df_x_cols if x in combined] elif x_cols is not None: x_names = list(df_x_cols[x_cols]) else: x_names = list(df_x_cols.columns) usecols = x_names if y_cols is not None: y_names = list(df_cols[y_cols]) usecols = y_names + x_names df_train = pd.read_csv( train_path, engine="c", sep=sep, nrows=nrows, usecols=usecols ) if test_path: df_test = pd.read_csv( test_path, engine="c", sep=sep, nrows=nrows, usecols=usecols ) else: df_test = df_train[0:0].copy() if y_cols is None: y_names = [] elif y_names is None: y_names = list(df_train[0:0][y_cols]) if shuffle: df_train = df_train.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) if test_path: df_test = df_test.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) df_cat = pd.concat([df_train, df_test]) df_y = df_cat[y_names] df_x = df_cat.drop(y_names, axis=1) if onehot_cols is not None: for col in onehot_cols: if col in y_names: df_dummy = pd.get_dummies(df_y[col], prefix=col, prefix_sep=":") df_y = pd.concat([df_dummy, df_y.drop(col, axis=1)], axis=1) # print(df_dummy.columns) else: df_dummy = pd.get_dummies(df_x[col], prefix=col, prefix_sep=":") df_x = pd.concat([df_dummy, df_x.drop(col, axis=1)], axis=1) if scaling is not None: mat = scale_array(df_x.values, scaling) df_x = pd.DataFrame(mat, index=df_x.index, columns=df_x.columns, dtype=dtype) n_train = df_train.shape[0] x_train = df_x[:n_train] y_train = df_y[:n_train] x_test = df_x[n_train:] y_test = df_y[n_train:] return_y = y_cols is not None return_val = validation_split and validation_split > 0 and validation_split < 1 return_test = test_path if return_val: n_val = int(n_train * validation_split) x_val = x_train[-n_val:] y_val = y_train[-n_val:] x_train = x_train[:-n_val] y_train = y_train[:-n_val] ret = [x_train] ret = ret + [y_train] if return_y else ret ret = ret + [x_val] if return_val else ret ret = ret + [y_val] if return_y and return_val else ret ret = ret + [x_test] if return_test else ret ret = ret + [y_test] if return_y and return_test else ret if not return_dataframe: ret = [x.values for x in ret] if return_header: ret = ret + [df_x.columns.tolist(), df_y.columns.tolist()] return tuple(ret) if len(ret) > 1 else ret