import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation
[docs]def select_features_by_missing_values(data, threshold=0.1):
This function returns the indices of the features whose missing rates
are smaller than the threshold.
:param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features]
:param float threshold: range of [0, 1]. Features with a missing rate smaller than threshold will be selected. \
Default is 0.1
:return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
data = data.values
elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame")
missing_rate = np.sum(np.isnan(data), axis=0) / data.shape[0]
indices = np.where(missing_rate < threshold)[0]
indices = np.sort(indices)
return indices
[docs]def select_features_by_variation(
This function evaluates the variations of individual features and
returns the indices of features with large variations. Missing values are
ignored in evaluating variation.
:param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features].
:param string variation_metric: string indicating the metric used for evaluating feature variation. 'var' indicates variance; \
'std' indicates standard deviation; 'mad' indicates median absolute deviation. Default is 'var'.
:param float threshold: Features with a variation larger than threshold will be selected. Default is None.
:param float portion: float in the range of [0, 1]. It is the portion of features to be selected based on variation. \
The number of selected features will be the smaller of int(portion * n_features) and the total number of \
features with non-missing variations. Default is None. threshold and portion can not take real values \
and be used simultaneously.
:param bool draw_histogram: whether to draw a histogram of feature variations. Default is False.
:param int bins: positive integer, the number of bins in the histogram. Default is the smaller of 50 and the number of \
features with non-missing variations.
:param bool log: whether the histogram should be drawn on log scale.
:return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features. If both threshold and \
portion are None, indices will be an empty array.
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
data = data.values
elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame")
if variation_measure == "std":
v_all = np.nanstd(a=data, axis=0)
elif variation_measure == "mad":
v_all = median_absolute_deviation(data=data, axis=0, ignore_nan=True)
v_all = np.nanvar(a=data, axis=0)
indices = np.where(np.invert(np.isnan(v_all)))[0]
v = v_all[indices]
if draw_histogram:
if len(v) < 50:
"There must be at least 50 features with variation measures to draw a histogram"
bins = int(min(bins, len(v)))
_ = plt.hist(v, bins=bins, log=log)
if threshold is None and portion is None:
return np.array([])
elif threshold is not None and portion is not None:
"threshold and portion can not be used simultaneously. Only one of them can take a real value"
if threshold is not None:
indices = indices[np.where(v > threshold)[0]]
n_f = int(min(portion * data.shape[1], len(v)))
indices = indices[np.argsort(-v)[:n_f]]
indices = np.sort(indices)
return indices