Source code for candle.feature_selection_utils

import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation

[docs]def select_features_by_missing_values(data, threshold=0.1): """ This function returns the indices of the features whose missing rates are smaller than the threshold. :param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features] :param float threshold: range of [0, 1]. Features with a missing rate smaller than threshold will be selected. \ Default is 0.1 :return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame") sys.exit(1) missing_rate = np.sum(np.isnan(data), axis=0) / data.shape[0] indices = np.where(missing_rate < threshold)[0] indices = np.sort(indices) return indices
[docs]def select_features_by_variation( data, variation_measure="var", threshold=None, portion=None, draw_histogram=False, bins=100, log=False, ): """ This function evaluates the variations of individual features and returns the indices of features with large variations. Missing values are ignored in evaluating variation. :param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features]. :param string variation_metric: string indicating the metric used for evaluating feature variation. 'var' indicates variance; \ 'std' indicates standard deviation; 'mad' indicates median absolute deviation. Default is 'var'. :param float threshold: Features with a variation larger than threshold will be selected. Default is None. :param float portion: float in the range of [0, 1]. It is the portion of features to be selected based on variation. \ The number of selected features will be the smaller of int(portion * n_features) and the total number of \ features with non-missing variations. Default is None. threshold and portion can not take real values \ and be used simultaneously. :param bool draw_histogram: whether to draw a histogram of feature variations. Default is False. :param int bins: positive integer, the number of bins in the histogram. Default is the smaller of 50 and the number of \ features with non-missing variations. :param bool log: whether the histogram should be drawn on log scale. :return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features. If both threshold and \ portion are None, indices will be an empty array. """ if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame") sys.exit(1) if variation_measure == "std": v_all = np.nanstd(a=data, axis=0) elif variation_measure == "mad": v_all = median_absolute_deviation(data=data, axis=0, ignore_nan=True) else: v_all = np.nanvar(a=data, axis=0) indices = np.where(np.invert(np.isnan(v_all)))[0] v = v_all[indices] if draw_histogram: if len(v) < 50: print( "There must be at least 50 features with variation measures to draw a histogram" ) else: bins = int(min(bins, len(v))) _ = plt.hist(v, bins=bins, log=log) if threshold is None and portion is None: return np.array([]) elif threshold is not None and portion is not None: print( "threshold and portion can not be used simultaneously. Only one of them can take a real value" ) sys.exit(1) if threshold is not None: indices = indices[np.where(v > threshold)[0]] else: n_f = int(min(portion * data.shape[1], len(v))) indices = indices[np.argsort(-v)[:n_f]] indices = np.sort(indices) return indices
[docs]def select_decorrelated_features( data, method="pearson", threshold=None, random_seed=None ): """ This function selects features whose mutual absolute correlation coefficients are smaller than a threshold. It allows missing values in data. The correlation coefficient of two features are calculated based on the observations that are not missing in both features. Features with only one or no value present and features with a zero standard deviation are not considered for selection. :param data: numpy array or pandas data frame of numeric values, with a shape of [n_samples, n_features]. :param string method: indicating the method used for calculating correlation coefficient. Default is 'pearson'. - pearson: Pearson correlation coefficient - kendall: Kendall Tau correlation coefficient - spearman: Spearman rank correlation coefficient :param float threshold: If two features have an absolute correlation coefficient higher than threshold,\ one of the features is removed. If threshold is None, a feature is removed only when the two features \ are exactly identical. Default is None. :param int random_seed: seed of random generator for ordering the features. If it is None, features \ are not re-ordered before feature selection and thus the first feature is always selected. Default is None. :return: 1-D numpy array containing the indices of selected features. """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = pd.DataFrame(data) elif not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): print("Input data must be a numpy array or pandas data frame") sys.exit(1) present = np.where(np.sum(np.invert(pd.isna(data)), axis=0) > 1)[0] present = present[np.where(np.nanstd(data.iloc[:, present].values, axis=0) > 0)[0]] data = data.iloc[:, present] num_f = data.shape[1] if random_seed is not None: np.random.seed(random_seed) random_order = np.random.permutation(num_f) data = data.iloc[:, random_order] if threshold is not None: if np.sum(pd.isna(data).values) == 0 and method == "pearson": cor = np.corrcoef(data.values, rowvar=False) else: cor = data.corr(method=method).values else: data = data.values rm = np.full(num_f, False) index = 0 while index < num_f - 1: if rm[index]: index += 1 continue idi = np.array(range(index + 1, num_f)) idi = idi[np.where(rm[idi] == False)[0]] # noqa: E712 if len(idi) > 0: if threshold is None: idi = idi[ np.where( np.sum( np.isnan(data[:, idi]) ^ np.isnan(data[:, index][:, np.newaxis]), axis=0, ) == 0 )[0] ] if len(idi) > 0: idi = idi[ np.where( np.nansum( abs(data[:, idi] - data[:, index][:, np.newaxis]), axis=0, ) == 0 )[0] ] else: idi = idi[np.where(abs(cor[index, idi]) >= threshold)[0]] if len(idi) > 0: rm[idi] = True index += 1 indices = np.where(rm == False)[0] # noqa: E712 if random_seed is not None: indices = random_order[indices] indices = np.sort(present[indices]) return indices