Run Modes: Summit ================= Login node: SITE=summit-login ----------------------------- Warning: Run this under nice for quick tests (less than 1 minute). Do not abuse the login nodes. This mode uses a locally-compiled MPICH. Make sure ``TURBINE_LAUNCH_OPTIONS`` is empty (check ``cfg-sys``) (these options are passed directly to ``mpiexec``. Examples with ``Supervisor/workflows/upf``:: $ timeout 60 nice test/ nt3 summit-login Interactive node: SITE=summit-tf-* ---------------------------------- Set ``INTERACTIVE=1`` in your ``cfg-sys`` Get an interactive session. You can use ``Supervisor/scratch/scripts/`` , or any other method. Examples with ``Supervisor/workflows/upf``. You can use ``summit-tf1`` or ``summit-tf2`` In the interactive session, run:: $ test/ nt3 summit-tf1 If you forget to set ``INTERACTIVE=1``, this will try to submit another bsub job from the interactive batch node. Scheduled submission: SITE=summit-tf-\* --------------------------------------- Set ``INTERACTIVE=0`` in your ``cfg-sys`` (or leave unset). Examples with ``Supervisor/workflows/upf``. You can use ``summit-tf1`` or ``summit-tf2`` From a normal login node session, run:: $ test/ nt3 summit-tf1