Run Asynchronous Search based hyperparameter optimization on CANDLE Benchmarks

async-search is an asynchronous iterative optimizer written in Python. It evaluates the best values of hyperparameters for CANDLE “Benchmarks” available here:


  1. cd into the Supervisor/workflows/async-search/test directory

  2. Specify the async-search parameters in the file (INIT_SIZE, etc.).

  3. Specify the PROCS, queue etc. in file (NOTE: currently INIT_SIZE must be at least PROCS-2)

  4. You will pass the MODEL_NAME, SITE, and optional experiment id arguments to file when launching: ./ <model_name> <machine_name> [expid] where model_name can be tc1 etc., machine_name can be local, cori, theta, titan etc. (see NOTE below on creating new SITE files.)

  5. The parameter space is defined in a problem*.py file (see workflows/async-search/python/ for an example with tc1.). This is imported as problem in

  6. The benchmark will be run for the number of processors specified

  7. Final objective function values, along with parameters, will be available in the experiments directory and also printed

User requirements

What you need to install to run the workflow:

  • This workflow - . Clone and switch to the master branch. Then cd to workflows/async-search (the directory containing this README).

  • TC1 benchmark - . Clone and switch to the frameworks branch.

  • benchmark data - See the individual benchmarks README for obtaining the initial data

Python specific installation needed:

conda install h5py
conda install scikit-learn
conda install pandas
conda install mpi4py
conda install -c conda-forge keras
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-optimize

Calling sequence

Function calls: -> swift/ ->

      (Async-search via EQPy)
      swift/workflow.swift <-> python/

      swift/workflow.swift -> obj_folder/obj_app.swift ->
      common/sh/ -> common/python/ -> 'calls Benchmark'

      (Results from Benchmark returned directly to Async-search)
      obj_folder/obj_app.swift -> python/

Scheduling scripts: -> ->
      common/sh/<machine_name> - module, scheduling, langs .sh files

Making Changes

To create your own SITE files in workflows/common/sh/: - - - - config

copy existing ones but modify the file to define the EQPy location (see workflows/common/sh/ for an example).


The point of the script structure is that it is easy to make copy and modify the test-*.sh script, and the cfg-*.sh scripts. These can be checked back into the repo for use by others. The test-*.sh script and the cfg-*.sh scripts should simply contain environment variables that control how and workflow.swift operate. and cfg-{sys,prm} should be unmodified for simple testing.

The relevant parameters for the asynchronous search algorithm are defined in cfg-*.sh scripts (see example in These are: - INIT_SIZE: The number of initial random samples. (Note: INIT_SIZE needs to be larger than PROCS-2 for now.) - MAX_EVALS: The maximum number of evaluations/tasks to perform. - NUM_BUFFER: The size of the tasks buffer that should be maintained above the available workers (num_workers) such that if the currently out tasks are less than (num workers + NUM_BUFFER), more tasks are generated. - MAX_THRESHOLD: Under normal circumstances, when a single model evaluation is finished, a new hyper parameter set is produced for evaluation. If the model evaluations occur within 15 seconds of each other, a MAX_THRESHOLD number of evalutions must occur before the corresponding number of new values are produced for evaluation. This can help with performance when many models finish within a few seconds of each other. - N_JOBS: The number of jobs to run in parallel when producing points (i.e. hyperparameter values) for evaluation. -1 will set this to the number of cores.

Where to check for output

This includes error output.

When you run the test script, you will get a message about TURBINE_OUTPUT . This will be the main output directory for your run.

  • On a local system, stdout/stderr for the workflow will go to your terminal.

  • On a scheduled system, stdout/stderr for the workflow will go to TURBINE_OUTPUT/output.txt

The individual objective function (model) runs stdout/stderr go into directories of the form:


where EXPID is the user-provided experiment ID, and RUNID are the various model runs generated by async-search, one per parameter set, of the form R_I_J where R is the restart number, I is the iteration number, and J is the sample within the iteration.