PBT Workflow

PBT is an asynchronous optimization algorithm for jointly optimizing a population of models and their hyperparameters while effectively using a fixed computational budget. Like a simple parallel grid search, PBT begins by randomly sampling selected hyperparameters and initial weights and training multiple models in parallel using these hyperparameters and weights. However, unlike a parallel search, each training run periodically and asynchronously runs an evaluate method when a model is considered ready, comparing its performance against that of other models. If it is under-performing, PBT uses two additional methods to improve performance: exploit and explore. Exploit leverages the work of the population as a whole by replacing an underperforming model with a better one, i.e., by replacing a model’s current weights with those of the better performing model. Explore attempts to find new better performing hyperparameters by perturbing those of the better performing model. Training then continues with the new weights and the new hyperparameters. Evaluate, exploit, and explore are performed asynchronously and independently by each model for some specified number of steps. In this way the hyperparameters are optimized online and computational resources are focused on better performing hyperparameters and weights, quickly discarding unpromising solutions.

This PBT example is written in Python using the MPI for Python (mpi4py) package. It consists of model agnostic framework code for creating PBT workflows (python/pbt.py) and an example workflow (python/tc1_pbt.py). This example workflow trains a variant of our tc1 benchmark (models/tc1). In this example, a tc1 model run is considered underperforming if its validation loss is in the lower 20% of the population, at which time it will perform an exploit and explore. During exploit a model loads the weights of a model randomly selected from the top 20%. (Loading and storing of weights is file-based, where weights are serialized every epoch and then loaded as necessary.) During the explore, a model perturbs the learning rate of the selected better performing model, and then continues training with the new weights and learning rate.


  • This workflow: git@github.com:ECP-CANDLE/Supervisor.git. Clone and cd to workflows/pbt (the directory containing this README).

  • Python: the PBT workflow has been tested under Python 2.7.

  • MPI for Python (mpi4py): http://mpi4py.scipy.org/docs/

  • Keras: https://keras.io

  • CANDLE Benchmark Code: git@github.com:ECP-CANDLE/Benchmarks.git. Clone and switch to the frameworks branch.

  • TC1 benchmark data: ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/type-class/type_18_300_test.csv ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/type-class/type_18_300_train.csv

    type_18_300_train.csv and type_18_300_test.csv should be copied into X/Benchmarks/Data/Pilot1, where X is wherever you cloned the Benchmark repository. For example, from within X/Benchmarks

    mkdir -p Data/Pilot1
    cd Data/Pilot1
    wget ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/type-class/type_18_300_test.csv
    wget ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/type-class/type_18_300_train.csv

Running the Workflow

The PBT workflow is an MPI application that when given N number of processes, runs N - 1 tc1 models, and uses the remaining process to run a datastore into which the models can put and get model peformance data. The workflow can be run using the scripts in the scripts directory. Two scripts are provided: local_run_pbt.sh and sbatch_run_pbt.sh. The former can be used to run on a local desktop or laptop. The latter can be used to submit the PBT workflow on hpc resources that use the slurm scheduler. In either case, main application file is python/tc1_pbt.py.

When run the PBT workflow will create an experiments directory in which the output will be written. The output consists of a weights directory into which each tc1 instance writes is model weights every epoch, and an output.csv file that records the accuracy, loss, learning rate, validation accuracy, and validation loss for each model (identified by MPI rank) each epoch. Additionally each tc1 model run will execute within its own run_N instance directory (e.g. run_1, run_2 and so forth) within the output directory.


local_run_pbt.sh takes 3 arguments

  1. The number of processes to use

  2. An experiment id

  3. The path to a pbt parameter file (see below) that defines the tc1 hyperparameters

The experiment id is used to as the name of the experiments directory into which the model output will be written as mentioned above. For example, given the location of the scripts directory as workflows/pbt/scripts and an experiment id of r1, the experiments directory will be workflows/pbt/experiments/r1.


sbatch_run_pbt.sh takes 2 arguments:

  1. An experiment id

  2. The path to a pbt parameter file (see below) that defines the tc1 hyperparameters

The experiment id is again used as the name of the experiments directory into which the model output will be written, as mentioned above. For example, given the location of the scripts directory as workflows/pbt/scripts and an experiment id of r1, the experiments directory will be workflows/pbt/experiments/r1.

sbatch_run_pbt.sh ultimately calls sbatch to submit the job defined in scripts/pbt.sbatch. That file can be copied and edited as appropriate, setting the queue, walltime, python, etc. for your HPC machine. It is currently configured for NERSC’s Cori system.

Hyperparameter Configuration File

The PBT workflow uses a json format file for defining the hyperparameter space used by the PBT algorithm. The PBT workflow includes 2 sample hyperparameter configuration files for the tc1 model.

  • data/tc1_params_full.json: runs the full tc1 model, including the default convolution layer and no feature subsampling.

  • data/tc1_params_small.json: runs a faster version of the tc1 model by ommitting the convolution layer and subsampling the features.

The hyperparameter configuration file has a json format consisting of a list of json dictionaries, each one of which defines a hyperparameter. Each dictionary has the following required keys:

  • name: the name of the hyperparameter (e.g. epochs)

  • type: determines how the models are initialized from the named parameter - one of constant, int, float, logical, or categorical.

    • constant: all the tc1 models are initialized with the specifed value

    • int: each tc1 model is initialized with an int randomly drawn from the range defined by lower and upper bounds

    • float: each tc1 model is initialized with a float randomly drawn from the range defined by lower and upper bounds

    • logical: each tc1 model is initialized with a random boolean.

    • categorical: each tc1 model is initialized with an element chosen at random from the list of elements in values.

The following keys are required depending on value of the type key.

If the type is constant: * value: the constant value

If the type is int, or float: * lower: the lower bound of the range to randomly draw from * upper: the upper bound of the range to randomly draw from

If the type is categorical: * values: the list of elements to randomly choose from * element_type: the type of the elements to choose from. One of int, float, string, or logical

A sample hyperparameter definition file:

    "name": "epochs",
    "type": "constant",
    "value": 5

    "name": "activation",
    "type": "categorical",
    "element_type": "string",
    "values": ["softmax", "elu", "softplus", "softsign", "relu", "tanh", "sigmoid", "hard_sigmoid", "linear"]

    "name": "batch_size",
    "type": "categorical",
    "element_type": "int",
    "values": [32, 64]

    "name": "lr",
    "type": "float",
    "lower": 0.0001,
    "upper": 0.01

Note that any other keys are ignored by the workflow but can be used to add additional information about the hyperparameter. For example, the sample files contain a comment entry that contains additional information about that hyperparameter.

Workflow Explained

The workflow consists of 3 parts. The DNN tc1 model in models/tc1, the PBT python code in python/pbt.py and the python code that runs the tc1 model using PBT, python/tc1_pbt.py.


The tc1 model is a lightly modified version of the CANDLE tc1 benchmark. The code has been updated so that an external Keras callback can be passed through models/tc1/tc1_runner.run() and attached to the model. The PBT algorithnm is run via this callback.


pbt.py provides the model-agnostic framework code for implementing a PBT workflow. It has 4 main components.

  1. A PBTMetaDataStore class. This implements an in-memory datastore for the model run performance and hyperparamter data. It also manages a locking scheme for model weight file IO in order to prevent issues with concurrent file access.

  2. A PBTClient class. This allows an individual instance of a model to communicate with the PBTMetaDataStore, sending it peformance data, querying performance data for a better performing model, requesting read and write locks for reading other model weights and writing its own. The PBTClient and PBTMetaDataStore communicate via MPI.

  3. A PBTCallback class. This is a Keras callback that given model-specific ready, exploit, and explore implementations will pass its current performance data to the data store and write its model’s weights every epoch. Then when ready, it will perform an an evaluate to find a better performing model. Assuming one is found, an exploit and explore be peformed to update its model’s weights and hyperparameters appropriately. A PBTCallback uses a PBTClient to ommunicate with a PBTMetaDataStore.

  4. A PBTWorker interface. This interface defines the API for PBT’s ready, exploit and explore steps. Client code implements this interface, supplying implementations appropriate to that particular workflow.


tc1_pbt.py implements PBT for the tc1 model using the classes and functions in pbt.py. In tc1_pbt.py, rank 0 first generates and distribute the hyperparameters to the models running on the other ranks. The ga_utils package is used to read the hyperparameter definition file (see above) and generate, a set of hyperparameters for each model. Once the hyperparameters are distributed, a PBTMetaDataStore is started, also on rank 0.

PBTMetaDataStore’s constructor is passed the path of the output directory where the output.csv file will be written together with a the path to a log file in which user customizable log messages are written. PBTMetaDataStore also takes a reference to an evaluate function that is used to evaluate a model’s current performance and select a better performing model. That function must have the following arguments: a list of dictionaries that contains the metadata for all the models, and a score against which model performance is determined. Exactly what the score represents (e.g. the validation loss) is domain specific and is provided in the PBTWorker.pack_data method described below.

In tc1_pbt.py, truncation_select implements this evaluate function and is passed to the PBTMetaDataStore. In truncation_select, if the specified score is in the top 80% of scores, then an empty dictionary is returned. This empty dictionary indicates that a better performing model was not found and thus exploit and explore should not occur. If the specified score is in the bottom 20% then the data for a model in the top 20% is random selected and returned in a python dictionary. The data in this dictionary, the rank of the better performing model and its relevant hyperparameters can then be used in exploit and explore.

With the PBTMetaDataStore initialized on rank 0, all the remaining processes run the tc1 model. A PBTCallback is added to each one of these models. The PBTCallback constructor requires a instance of a class that implements the PBTWorker interface. A PBTCallback calls the 3 methods of a PBTWorkder to:

  1. Retrieve a model’s metadata and hyperparameters in order put them in the PBTMetaDataStore (PBTWorker.pack_data),

  2. Specifies which performance metric to use as the ‘score’ for model performance (also in PBTWorker.pack_data) in an evaluate.

  3. Determine when a model is ready for a potential exploit and explore (PBTWorker.ready),

  4. Perform the exploit and explore update (PBTWorker.update).

In the tc1 PBT workflow, tc1_pbt.TC1PBTWorker implements the PBTWorker interface. TC1PBTWorker.pack_data retrieves a model’s current learning rate, and specifies the validation loss as the performance score. TC1PBTWorker.ready specifies that the model is ready every 5 epochs. (5 is too soon to begin sharing weights, but it serves as an example and does exercise the workflow code within a reasonable amount of time.) TC1PBTWorker.update updates the model with a better performing learning rate after having perturbed it. Note that update does not need to load the better performing model’s weights. That is done automatically in PBTCallback.

In sum then, in a PBTCallback at the end of every epoch:

  1. pack_data is called to put every model’s performance data and selected hyperparameters into the PBTMetaDataStore.

  2. ready is called to determine if a model is ready for an exploit / explore update.

  3. If ready returns true, then the PBTCallback queries the PBTMetaDataStore for a better performing model using the supplied evaluate function (e.g. truncation_select).

  4. If the selection function returns data from a better performing model, then update is called to update the under performing model with the better performing hyperparameters, and the PBTCallback loads the better performing model’s weights into the under performing model.

Adapting the Workflow to a Different Model

tc1_pbt.py can easily be adapted to work with a different model. The following changes will need to be made:

  • A new hyperparameter definition file. The rank 0 code that reads this file can be re-used.

  • A new evaluate function. This can be passed to the PBTMetaDataStore constructor in place of truncation_select

  • A new PBTWorker implementation, implementing ready, pack_data, and update as appropriate for the new model and workflow. This can be passed to the PBTCallback in place of TC1PBTWorker.